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How do you recognize yourself as a viable volunteer collaborator in or with the Intuitive Public Radio Network?

You have skills of any kind that it strengthens you to share with others.

You have resources of any kind, practical, economic, financial, or otherwise, that it strengthens you to share with others.

You feel moved and excited to discover opportunities to nourish and grow resourcing that preserves life and anchors respect for people and creatures who have been disregarded and disenfranchised.

Your heart expands when you encounter opportunities to work on meaningful, life-changing projects with other activated, purpose-driven collaborators.

You value what you learn from people and groups in situations of hardship you yourself may or may not have ever directly experienced.

Whether or not you are immediately in contact with people in hardship, you know that their wisdom and expertise are crucial living resources for all communities, and you want your own projects to somehow support a better world for everyone.

Is this you?


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Stop by and spend some time with us this morning β€” 20 April 2024 @ 10AM Eastern β€” & our continuing live sessions daily!

This Simultistream Broadcast of Intuitive Public TV from the heart-full hallows of the Intuitive Public Radio Network comes live to YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, & LinkedIn β€” every morning from 10am-11am Eastern.

Co-hosted by Megan Elizabeth Morris β€” and are YOU our next co-host, we wonder? β€” we are calling in new vibrations of community connectivity never elsewhere experienced before.

Follow us on your favorite platform, reshare our broadcast links, shout your joy, and help us spread the word!

Support us in the comments and tell us what you're working on, what's most meaningful to you, and where your soulful spirit's rooted.

Join us live on camera to share your dreams and insights, passion projects, community initiatives, and care collaborations. (Message Megan @ t.me/MaxMorris to participate!)

Find us here:

Introduce yourself in our public Telegram chat: t.me/CommunityIPR

Make sure to subscribe on Substack: https://www.IntuitivePublicRadio.network/subscribe 🌺🌿

Yes, not long from now!

10AM Eastern! (See you soon!)
10AM Eastern, this morning's fresh new Simultistream β€” incoming!

Join Megan Elizabeth Morris on camera, on mic, and/or in the comments as most delights you.

Stay and chat for a little or for a lot; we'll be broadcasting Intuitive Public TV for the hour.

Daily? Yes, daily.

"At some point, my body stopped saying THIS IS CRAZY and the signals came through more clearly; THIS, she said. THIS IS THE THING."

Bring your insights, dreamings, and most moving meaning.

What do you vision to happen next?

What are you building?

What are you celebrating?

Reshare our broadcast links and help us connect with the greater collective body β€” shared, sacred physiology.

Follow here for broadcast notifications:

Introduce yourself in our public Telegram chat: t.me/CommunityIPR

Be sure to subscribe on Substack: https://www.IntuitivePublicRadio.network/subscribe 🌺🌿

See you in a few hours. πŸ₯°
Find us in the links below at 10AM Eastern β€” for this morning's 1-hr Intuitive Public TV Simultistream!

I had my head bones adjusted again toward successful cranial re-alignment yesterday afternoon β€” after having gone a little too long between sessions.

(I am feeling it. Yes, some soreness... necessary reorientations... & also, the increased flow & availability of cerebral spinal fluid!)

For those who haven't heard yet, cranial re-alignment is one of the rehabilitative processes I've been working through intently after my past decade of multiple concussion injuries. This rehab takes a lot of my attention & requires a great deal of care for my body.

Still, even in the midst of all this, today... my body feels (seriously) moved to continue our daily broadcast schedule the way we have been for the past 4, now 5 days.

(How is it even possible we've been doing this for that many consecutive days!? Miracle schedule. Somatic prowess. Ancient experiencing!)

I certainly could not do something like this before we moved me through improved rehabilitative resourcing. Not anywhere close to what's happening now. Successes continue to unfold ongoing. πŸ’–πŸ¦„βœ¨

We sense deep importance in all this; sharing it, demonstrating it, dialoguing about it.

I notice myself repeatedly asking:
β€” How long can I keep this up?
β€” Where must I be most mindful & well-resourced?
β€” What are the benefits in the body & to all of us?
β€” What are we discovering?

We're experiencing a true expansion of capacities & deepening of presence in our bodies.

I feel this in my individual human body & in the collective community body... more & more profoundly.

We're having a lot of fun learning together on our morning simultistreams!

I hope you'll consider yourself joyfully invited. πŸ₯°πŸŒΊπŸŒΏ

Subscribe: www.IntuitivePublicRadio.network/subscribe πŸ’žπŸŒ»πŸ•ŠοΈ

Tune in for notifications:
β€’ YouTube: https://youtube.com/@IntuitivePublicTV
β€’ Facebook: https://fb.me/IntuitivePublicRadio
β€’ Twitter: https://x.com/IntuitivePublic

Gosh, we're still going.
Calling improvisational instrumentalists!

Intuitive Public TV (t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio, www.IntuitivePublicRadio.network) is gathering musicians, especially improvisationalists, to form collaborative features in public media...

...to demonstrate how powerfully music & creative musical expression facilitate recovery from severe conditions...

...particularly, conditions that are otherwise considered impossible to recover from β€” and particularly, cases of neurological injury.

We're also featuring conversational intersections about expanded creativity & cognitive capacity for all, not just those who have experienced severe injuries.

Improvisational methods (for learning, collaboration, & performance) have a special place in this conversation, and I'm particularly interested in highlighting how reparative they can be.

Please reach out to me if you might enjoy being part of our public media features, in small or large ways, & part of the greater conversation!

It's especially helpful if those who join me can use Telegram messenger (message me at t.me/maxmorris), which is where we're coordinating media primarily β€” but I want to connect with everyone who wants to be involved, even if we need to use other platforms instead.

I'd love to chat more about it with any and all who find my words resonate. 🌺🌿

Thank you, bright lights, for reading (and resharing)! πŸ’–
The Invisible and Supreme Shakti ~ Anasuya Devi - Jillellamudi Amma ~ Bhakti

8/13/22 by Samaneri Jayasara

Web player: https://podcastaddict.com/episode/143760193
Episode: https://anchor.fm/s/49a54198/podcast/play/56144786/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fstaging%2F2022-7-14%2F9834a85c-db35-0bfb-7020-cecf1ea16279.mp3

Matrusri Anasuya Devi (born 28 March 1923-1985) was an Indian spiritual guru from Andhra Pradesh.
   Widely known as Jillellamudi Amma, she is revered by millions of her devotees spread across the globe as an incarnation of the Divine Mother, the supreme deity, Raja Rajeswari Devi.
    Many miracles and spiritual transformations were witnessed and recorded by people in Amma's presence.
    These excerpts of her teachings read here were taken from numerous sources, and compiled in the book - Women of Grace and Power by Timothy Conway. πŸ”†  
   These podcasts are not monetized. If you benefit from these podcasts and would like to support our nun's hermitage, there are two options to donate - via Paypal using this email address: vivekahermitage@gmail.com with PayPal or using this direct link: paypal.me/VivekaHermitage or become at Patron at: patreon.com/jayasara πŸ™ May whatever goodness arises from these readings/offerings be for the benefit of all sentient beings.
