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AWS Notes — Amazon Web Services Educational and Information Channel


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​​Weekly Summary on AWS (April 10-16)

🔸 AppStream 2.0 + session scripts for Elastic fleets
🔸 App Runner + X-Ray 👈
🔸 CloudWatch Metric Streams + additional statistics
🔸 DataSync + FSx for OpenZFS
🔸 EC2 Console launch page + EFS & FSx 👀
🔸 Fargate + 20X faster scaling 💪
🔸 FSx for NetApp ONTAP + single AZ deployment 💥
🔸 Kinesis Data Firehose + Coralogix
🔸 Personalize + resource tagging
🔸 PrivateLink + Connect Wisdom
🔸 SSO synchronization from AD 👍
🔸 WorkSpaces + G4dn instances

🔹 Aurora MySQL + cipher suites
🔹 Chime SDK for JavaScript 3.0 and React Components 3.0
🔹 Registry of Open Data + 16 new or updated datasets

​​Aurora Serverless v2:

Aurora Serverless v2 enables you to scale your database to hundreds of thousands of transactions per second and cost-effectively manage the most demanding workloads. It scales database capacity in fine-grained increments to closely match the needs of your workload without disrupting connections or transactions.

If you have an existing Aurora cluster, you can create an Aurora Serverless v2 instance within the same cluster. This way, you’ll have a mixed configuration cluster where both provisioned and Aurora Serverless v2 instances can coexist within the same cluster.

Aurora Serverless v2 capacity scales up and down within the minimum 0.5 ACUs and maximum 128 ACUs configuration.

Versions supported:
🔹 PostgreSQL 13
🔸 MySQL 8.0

#Aurora #Serverless
​​Weekly Summary on AWS (April 17-23)

🔸 ACK (AWS Controllers for Kubernetes) + EKS, ECR, DynamoDB, S3, Autoscaling and API Gateway v2 + GA 👀
🔸 Amazon Linux 2022 + ECS-optimized AMI
🔸 Amplify Geo for Android + GA
🔸 Amplify Studio + GA 💪
🔸 Athena + 10 new data sources 🔥
🔸 Aurora Serverless v2 + GA 🎉
🔸 Batch + dynamically update configuration
🔸 CloudFormation + 35 new resources
🔸 Connect + API for phone numbers
🔸 DevOps Guru Proactive Insights for Serverless Applications
🔸 EC2 Auto Scaling + default instance warm-up time
🔸 EKS + OpenTelemetry Operator addon
🔸 Glue
Auto Scaling + GA
Interactive Sessions + GA
Glue Studio Detect PII + GA
Glue Studio Job Notebooks + GA
🔸 IoT TwinMaker + GA 👍
🔸 Kendra
Box Connector
Quip Connector
🔸 Keyspaces + Spark Cassandra connector
🔸 KMS + HMAC 👀
🔸 Macie + discovering more types of sensitive data
🔸 Migration Hub Orchestrator
🔸 Neptune
Free trial 👈
IAM global condition keys
openCypher GA
🔸 Personalize + starting and stopping recommender
🔸 PrivateLink + Batch
🔸 QuickSight + 1-click public embedding
🔸 RDS + Multi-AZ for Outposts
🔸 Redshift Audit Logging + CloudWatch
🔸 SageMaker Serverless Inference + GA
🔸 Security Hub + cross-Region security scores and compliance statuses
🔸 Step Functions + 20 new AWS SDK integrations
🔸 Textract + Queries

🔹 Corretto 18.0.1, 17.0.3, 11.0.15, and 8u332
🔹 Launch Wizard
Microsoft Exchange Server
🔹 MQ + ActiveMQ 5.16.4

​​Weekly Summary on AWS (April 24-30)

🔸 Audit Manager + AWS Config custom rules
🔸 CloudFormation + AWS::EC2::KeyPair 👍
🔸 Connect
API to search by name, agent hierarchies, and tags
Search and review Voice ID results
🔸 EC2 i4i instances 💥
🔸 EC2 key pairs
Retrieve public key and creation date
PPK for ED25519
🔸 IAM + aws:ResourceAccount, aws:ResourceOrgPaths, and aws:ResourceOrgID 👀
🔸 Interactive Video Service + stream chat
🔸 Lambda + Insights via Application Insights
🔸 Lightsail
HTTPS redirects
TLS policy
🔸 MSK Serverless + GA 🎉
🔸 Network Firewall + AWS Managed Threat Signatures
🔸 Rekognition Streaming Video Events + GA 🎉
IPv6 👍
Query results in JSON
Usage metrics against AWS service limits
🔸 SageMaker Data Wrangler
Data Quality and Insights Report
Random and stratified samples
🔸 SES v2 + 40MB message size
🔸 Service Catalog CDK constructs ⚠️
🔸 Snow
Large Data Migration Manager
Managing devices remotely
Update of device certificates

🔹 Control Tower landing zone v.2.9
🔹 EKS + Karpenter v0.9.0 with Pod Affinity 👈
🔹 Launch Wizard + clone inputs for SAP
🔹 Polly + Neural TTS voice in Brazilian Portuguese
🔹 RDS for MariaDB + m6i/r6i instances
🔹 RDS for MySQL + m6i/r6i instances
🔹 RDS for PostgreSQL + m6i/r6i instances
🔹 Wavelength Zone + Toronto

Forwarded from CloudSec Wine (Артем Марков)
🔶 AWS Security Fundamentals

Self-paced course to learn fundamental AWS cloud security concepts, including AWS access control, data encryption methods, and how network access to your AWS infrastructure can be secured.

​​Weekly Summary on AWS (May 1-7)

🔸 AMB (Amazon Managed Blockchain) + Goerli for Ethereum
🔸 AppConfig Feature Flag Lambda Extension + Arm/Graviton2
🔸 Braket Hybrid Jobs + embedded circuit simulators
🔸 CodeGuru Reviewer + suppress recommendations
🔸 Compute Optimizer + 4 new Trusted Advisor checks 👍
🔸 Connect
Schedule Manager + displays metrics
Up to 6 participants on a customer service call
🔸 EKS console + info about the Kubernetes resources 👀
🔸 IoT Secure Tunneling + single-use token and token rotation
🔸 Kinesis Video Streams + image extraction
🔸 Lex + custom vocabulary
🔸 Outposts + RDS storage autoscaling
🔸 Quicksight line chart + 2 50010 000 data points
🔸 RDS for PostgreSQL + cascading read replicas for 14.1+ 👈
🔸 RDS Performance Insights + custom time window
🔸 SageMaker Canvas + new data preparation features
🔸 SAM CLI + X-Ray
🔸 Service Catalog Provisioning constructs for AWS CDK

🔹 ElastiCache + new console
🔹 Panorama + Lenovo ThinkEdge SE70
🔹 RDS for SQL Server + SQL Server 2016 SP3, 2017 CU27, and 2019 CU15
🔹 Rekognition + Face API version 6
🔹 SageMaker Data Wrangler + M5/R5 instances

​​Weekly Summary on AWS (May 8-14)

🔸 Amplify Android Library + Kotlin
🔸 Athena + Hive views
🔸 Backup Audit Manager + compliance status for VMware Virtual Machines
🔸 CloudWatch
AMI events 👍
CloudWatch Synthetics + canary resources deletion
Prometheus usage metrics
Secrets Manager usage metrics
🔸 EC2 NitroTPM & UEFI Secure Boot + GA 🎉
🔸 EKS Anywhere + curated packages 👀
🔸 EFS + locks per connection 819265536
🔸 GameKit for Unreal Engine + Android, iOS, and MacOS 🎉
🔸 IoT SiteWise + BatchGetAssetPropertyValueHistoryBatchGetAssetPropertyValue, and BatchGetAssetPropertyAggregates
🔸 Lambda + Node.js 16 💥
🔸 Lex + phrase hints
🔸 PrivateLink + IPv6 💪
🔸 SSO + delegated admin 👈
Multiple IPv6 CIDR blocks ⚠️
Traffic Mirroring + GWLB

🔹 FreeRTOS + Espressif, NXP and STMicroelectronics
🔹 SageMaker Notebook Instances + ml.g5 & Python 3.8
🔹 Step Functions + new console

Зеркало официальных провайдеров для terraform, доступное с российских и белорусских адресов:
DevOpsDays Ukraine May 17-18, online talks:

🔹 Incident Response: Moving Beyond the Reaction — Emily Freeman (AWS)
🔸 Navigating Complexity of Decision-Making for Resilient Data Architectures — Lena Hall (AWS)

Join us:
​​Weekly Summary on AWS (May 15-21)

🔸 ADOT (AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry) + metrics
🔸 App Mesh + IPv6 👍
🔸 Backup
FSx for NetApp ONTAP 🎉
FSx for OpenZFS 🎉
🔸 Chime SDK + video background replacement and blur on iOS and Android
🔸 Control Tower
Concurrent operations for all optional guardrails
Existing security and logging accounts 👀
🔸 EC2 Auto Scaling + metric data from the previous 14 days for Predictive Scaling
🔸 EC2 i4i.metal instances 🎉
🔸 Encryption SDK for .NET + GA
🔸 Glue
Glue Studio Visual Job API + GA
🔸 Kendra + Jira connector
🔸 QuickSight 1-click public embedding + GA
🔸 Redshift
Isolation level SERIALIZABLE for concurrent transactions
Linear learner algorithm with Redshift ML
🔸 Resilience Hub + ECS, Route 53, DRS, Backup, and Terraform
🔸 SSM Incident Manager + automatically create incidents  in other regions, populate runbook parameters with incident metadata, and collect resource information

🔹 CloudWatch Console + new dashboard widgets
🔹 MQ + RabbitMQ 3.9.16 & 3.8.30
🔹 Kubeflow v1.4.1

​​Amazon EC2 Graviton3 instances - c7g:

c6g.medium $0.034 Up to 10 Gigabit
c7g.medium $0.0363 Up to 12.5 Gigabit

c6g.large $0.068 Up to 10 Gigabit
c7g.large $0.0725 Up to 12.5 Gigabit
c6a.large $0.0765 Up to 12.5 Gigabit
c6i.large $0.085 Up to 12.5 Gigabit

And also: 👇

▫️ Free trial on t4g.small instances (Again! The fourth 🔥 time!) for up to 750 hours/month until the end of this year (December 31, 2022)! 💪

​​Weekly Summary on AWS (May 22-28)

🔸 AMG + version 8.4 & creating Grafana API tokens
🔸 Backup Audit Manager + S3 & Storage Gateway
🔸 CloudFront + CloudFront-Viewer-TLS header
🔸 Config + CloudWatch
🔸 Comprehend + 14 new PII entity types
🔸 DataSync
🔸 EC2
c7g Graviton3 instances 🔥
m6id/c6id 7.6TB Local NVMe instances 💥
p4de NVIDIA A100 GPUs instances 💥
Stop protection 👈
🔸 ECS Auto Scaling + changes for Capacity Providers
🔸 ElastiCache for Redis & MemoryDB for Redis + JSON
🔸 ElastiCache for Memcached 1.6.12 + in-transit encryption
🔸 FSx for Lustre + root squash
🔸 IoT Device Management + Active Jobs Limit 1000100 000
🔸 Lambda + PowerShell 👀
🔸 Lightsail + ECR
🔸 Personalize + offline metrics for recommenders
🔸 SSM + port forwarding to remote hosts 👍
🔸 Transit Gateway Network Manager + Multi-Account Support

🔹 AppSync + new console
🔹 ElastiCache for Memcached 1.6.12
🔹 Genomics CLI v1.5.0
🔹 Launch Wizard + SQL Server using FSx for NetApp ONTAP
🔹 Wavelength Zone
Nashville and Tampa

Forwarded from CloudSec Wine (Артем Марков)
🔶 A Review of the AWS Security Model

AWS have released their own security maturity model, but does it stack up against what we're seeing in real-world attacks and in the approaches being suggested by the rest of the AWS security community?

​​Weekly Summary on AWS (May 29 - June 4)

🔸 Amplify
Geo (JavaScript) + Geofences
🔸 AppSync + new GraphQL Utility Helpers
🔸 Braket + Borealis
🔸 Chime SDK + centralized attendee controls
🔸 Connect
High-volume outbound communications
Task templates
🔸 Control Tower
Account Factory for Terraform + customization for management, log, and audit accounts 👀
Single account enrollment and update 👈
🔸 Cognito + IP address in unauthenticated calls
🔸 Data Exchange for APIs + metered billing
🔸 DataSync + EFS security: Access Points, TLS, and IAM role
🔸 DRS +  multiple staging and target accounts
🔸 EBS io2 Block Express +  Elastic Volumes and Fast Snapshot Restore (FSR)
🔸 Elemental MediaTailor + CloudWatch Vended Logs
🔸 EMR Serverless + GA 🎉
🔸 FSx for OpenZFS + update the storage and IOPS capacity
🔸 IAM + WebAuthn & Safari 👍
🔸 Kendra + GitHub SaaS & OnPrem connectors
🔸 Lookout for Metrics
Anomaly detection
Athena connector
🔸 Outposts + EC2 Dedicated Hosts
🔸 Pinpoint + custom message channel activity
🔸 PrivateLink
S3 on Outposts
Backup for VMware
🔸 Proton + components
🔸 RDS + SSE encrypted SNS topics
🔸 Route 53 + IP-based routing 👈
🔸 SageMaker JumpStart
Automatic tuning
Incremental training for models
🔸 Transcribe + automatic language identification for multi-lingual audio

🔹 Marketplace + SaaS free trials
🔹 NoSQL Workbench for Amazon DynamoDB + CreateTable, UpdateTable, and DeleteTable
🔹 Step Functions + interactive workshop 👀
🔹 Storage Gateway Hardware Appliance + purchase through resellers
🔹 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server + price reduction
🔹 Well-Architected Tool + AWS re:Post
