Day of Disaster – The "Los Alfaques" campground is a much-loved, much-visited holiday destination. Reveling holidaymakers, families, groups, couples and singles. Lots of skin, fun and frolicking on the beach. The blazing sun, the rush of the waves, the carefree racket kicked up by the children are what make "Los Alfaques" a seaside paradise. Nothing seems able to destroy this idyllic scene. People on holiday: relaxation, fun and harmony. But holidays bring to light problems which are normally put up with or suppressed in the day-to-day routine. On holiday, feelings, anxieties, hopes and wishes are, so to speak, lived and experienced under intensified conditions. When, in situations like these, life itself is thrown into deadly danger, every decision must be made directly in the face of eternity. Everything unspoken and unfinished threatens to become a lifelong curse. In extreme situations, human beings turn to what is really important to them. The otherwise-so-obvious option of making good for ...