Mr. And Mrs. Bo Jo Jones – It's 1956 in the beach town of Trilby. After asking the questions pertaining to the situation, sixteen year old working class Robert Joseph Jones - who prefers to be called Bo Jo - asks his same aged girlfriend, upper middle class Julie Greher, to marry him in doing what he believes to be the right thing after she tells him that she is ten weeks pregnant from their one and only sexual encounter, the secret wedding which happens the following day. These are only the first steps in both Bo Jo and Julie doing and saying what they believe are the right things under the circumstance regardless of what they may actually feel. Their life inexperience is shown in the process, which includes each finding out what little he/she really knows of the other. They both to some extent realize that being married means the loss of their innocence and the loss of their individual planned futures - which for both was college and Bo Jo working toward a football scholarship on the hopes of becoming All ...