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تدریس خصوصی انگلیسی
مبتدی تا آیلتس ۷ در مدت ۶ ماه


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از طریق لینک زیر (واتس اپ) اقدام نمایید

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یکی از سوالات Part 2 که اخیرا پرسیده می شود.

Describe something you bought that was difficult to use at first.
you should say:
what it was
why you bought it
how you use it
and explain why it was difficult to use at first.

Sample answer:

I'd like to talk about a smartphone that I've recently bought. It's a Samsung Galexy Note, and it looks great! It's got a much more powerful processor, so the graphic, interface, speed ... and everything is much better than my previous smartphone. The problem is I had an iphone before this one, which comes with a different OS! So I've had lots of difficulties finding my way around the new device. I couldn't access any of the important functions and I felt completely hopeless! I couldn't do the simplest thing with it! I could only take pictures and answer phone calls! I never thought working with a different OS would be this much troublesome. So ... although I was super excited to start working with my new phone, I had to wait for a while until I get used to everything ... I had to turn to a friend of mine, who had worked with andriod for long, and ask her to show me how to work my phone. She taught me the differences and showed me how to access my contacts or install and uninstall apps and change the settings for instance. It took me a while, but it was worth it! I do enjoy my phone now and I'm learning even more about andriod Operating system. I think I'll find my way around any other OS in the future much more easily!
نحوه نشان دادن تضاد.
کلمات و ساختارهای زیادی برای نشان دادن تضاد وجود دارند که بعضا ممکن است در نحوه استفاده از آنها مشکل داشته باشیم. در این مطلب ساختارهای اصلی تضاد را برای شما آورده ایم.

I was sick. But I went to work.
I was sick, but I went to work.
I was sick. Yet I went to work.
I was sick, yet I went to work.
Although I was sick, I went to work.
I went to work, although I was sick.
Despite my sickness, I went to work.
I went to work, despite my sickness.
Despite the fact that I was sick, I went to work.
I went to work, despite the fact that I was sick.
I was sick. However, I went to work.
I was sick, I went to work though.
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جهت هماهنگی برای برگزاری کلاس های آنلاین جهت آمادگی برای آزمون آیلتس با شماره تلفن زیر تماس حاصل فرمایید


موضوع رایتینگ مربوط به آزمون رسمی آیلتس این هفته: ۱۰ خرداد ۹۹

Is it better for children to grow up in cities or countryside?
Discuss both and express your opinion.
سوالات اسپیکینگ مربوط به آزمون رسمی آیلتس امروز ۲۷ خرداد ۹۹:


1. Where do you come from?
2. Where do you live, a house or an apartment? Which one do you prefer?
3. How do you spend your free time?
4. Talk about the last time you were alone.

Part 2:

Describe a job you don't like to have...

part 3:

1. What kind of jobs young people like?
2. Talk about job skills that were necessary in the past.
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Answer: week
Answer: True
Answer = 10
Answer = FALSE
Answer = novice
Answer = suit